We have been blessed with a tremendous number of Sponsors this year. Our thanks, and the thanks of underprivileged kids who will be able to go to Kamp Kiwanis this summer, goes out to these generous people and businesses.
Please support them!!
All Seasons Air Conditioning
Bondi Iovino & Fusco, Attorneys-at-Law
Anthony J. Santino, TOH Sr. Councilman
The Dee’s Nursery
Herb & Marian Brown
Erica B. Fine
Kim & Todd Garrity
Home & Hearth Real Estate
Kiwanettes of Oceanside
Long Island Pulse
Mary Jane McGrath, Esq.
Maryanne & Sander Lehrer
Municipal Credit Union
Nassau Financial Federal Union
Oceanville Mason Supply
Oceanside Federation of Teachers
Fred Pomerenke
Marylee & Ed Scharfberg
Herb Siegel
Mike Sullivan, Oceanside Sanitation Commissioner
Tower's Funeral Home
Westron Lighting