Monday, April 15, 2013

Louisa Calio

Body of Joy
My body is
a living instrument
of the divine.
My body is the music
of angel choruses and choirs
chants by Krishna Das
the cords and strings of Liebert’s guitar
Pavarotti's arias,
My body is
la luna negra …
pure grace unfolding
a billion whirling dervishes
the universe of stars,
My body is
rhythmic swells and sways
tender to the touch
playful rainbows
cherubim who love too much,
My body is the pure bliss
of consciousness,
ecstatic love holding laughter,
moonbeams, sunshine, dolphin smiles,
And my face is a poem.
Louisa Calio
The Summer Gazebo Readings are held each Monday evening at 7pm in June, July & August. Each evening 4-5 authors and poets share their work from our Gazebo on Schoolhouse Green in Oceanside, NY. SGR is produced by the Kiwanis Club of Oceanside. Funds raised through sponsorships help send underprivileged kids to Kamp Kiwanis each summer. This summer marks our 7th season!

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