Monday, April 8, 2013

Our First Poem-a-Day: Richard Vetere

In Reach
In reach was all that once was treasured
nameless in the fear least often measured
in that place of neither death, star or earth
where a life is valued more than it's worth.
Despite the years much is left unlearned
harbored in twilight only to be returned
to a murky dawn etched on a lonely face:
a tarnished remnant from an old embrace.
from The Other Colors in a Snow Storm by Richard Vetere (Bordighera Press 2012).

Richard Vetere

The Summer Gazebo Readings are held each Monday evening at 7pm in June, July & August. Each evening 4-5 authors and poets share their work from our Gazebo on Schoolhouse Green in Oceanside, NY. SGR is produced by the Kiwanis Club of Oceanside. Funds raised through sponsorships help send underprivileged kids to Kamp Kiwanis each summer. This summer marks our 7th season!


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